Increased Food Production Requires State of the Art Agricultural Technologies and Trained Young People. What Agricultural Education Degree, Diploma and Ag Skills training are Available? Are You Interested?
If so, come and check out the opportunities at the Careers & Technology Hub marquee at the Australian Sheep & Wool Show 2024.
Highlighting pathways to exciting careers in agriculture, veterinary science, agribusiness and ag skills training while showcasing cutting-edge ag technologies, where for Ag Science graduates there are 5jobs available in the agribusiness, food and primary industries sector. Forty percent of the jobs are based in major cities or urban environments.
Exciting seminars, forums and agricultural education and skills training information sites are the must-see opportunities for people seeking to join our thriving primary industry sector.
With world food production required to double present production rates to meet the demands of the predicted 9.8 billion world population by 2050, the hunt is on for the farmers, scientists and agribusiness champions of the future. We need you!
Leading primary industry experts will discuss an eclectic range of topics including the latest innovations in ag research, development and marketing. An inventive farmer will demonstrate how he makes an app with a photocopier that farmers can use to be advised when hay is ideally dried to safely bale, utilising a message from their phone. Artificial intelligence, remote sensing, reduction of green house gases and global climate change to name a few.
The Careers and Technology Hub's popular 'Young Voices from the Land' forums and the Ross McKenzie scholarship program are aimed at encouraging high school students, their parents and teachers to consider training and careers in a wide diversity of agribusinesses.
Most universities, agricultural colleges, high schools and TAFE providers of agricultural education and skills training in Southern Australia will have information sites promoting their courses and scholarships in a unique one stop shop for those seeking Ag education information including our Sponsor of the Careers & Technology Hub marquee Bendigo TAFE
If you are interested in a sustainable future, intrigued by Ag. Tech. and keen to use your talents for growing Australia's food and fibre sector then make your way to the Careers and Technology Hub
Feature Breed - White Suffolk